Subscriptions Available on Hip Websites
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Annual Subscription: US$20.00

As a Hip Websites Supporter you get many features not available to regular members. You get more storage space for images and PMs, custom avatars, access to Special Supporter forums, access to the Hip Archives, the ability to create your own forum social groups and much more! This subscription must be renewed each year or you will lose these benefits.

Lifetime Supporter: US$60.00

This option offers even more storage and features than our yearly supporter subscription, plus it lasts as long as you/we do!

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Be sure to include your username and that it's a donation/subscription for the Hip Websites.

Please note it may take up to 72 hours for your account to be upgraded (but usually within 24 hours). Thanks so much for supporting the Hip Websites and Free Speech!

The Hip Websites include the following Free Speech Sites:,,, Hippyland,,, and others.